looking for alaska_looking for alaska 书

       感谢大家给予我这个机会,让我为大家解答looking for alaska的问题。这个问题集合囊括了一系列与looking for alaska相关的问题,我将全力以赴地回答并提供有用的信息。


2.looking for alaska内容概括




looking for alaska_looking for alaska 书


       adventure的词性变化:名词:adventure 动词:adventure(第三人称单数形式为 adventures;现在分词形式为 adventuring;过去式为 adventured;过去分词形式为 adventured)形容词:adventurous?副词:adventurously

       1、Their cultural backgrounds ge them a spirit of?adventure.


       2、Life should be an adventure.


       3、Unlike us, they he no sense of adventure, no longing for new experiences or new horizons.



       1、I love so many of the photos I took from this adventure, but this one for whatever reason ...


       2、I set off for a new adventure in Alaska on the first day of the new year.

       我在新年第一天出发去阿拉斯加 进行一次新的冒险。

       3、I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.我想我那时在寻找一份冒险型职业。

looking for alaska内容概括


       March 27,1964 was a holiday in Alaska, so most people were at home, and everything was going on as usual. Suddenly, there was a sound like thunder. Next, people's houses began to shake. Buildings cracked and water pipes burst. In the town of Anchorage, and buildings fell down. People were shocked by the unexpected quake. Some ran up and down the street while others who were tred in the buildings, were looking out of their windows for help. The earthquake that hit Alaska was one of the strongest disasters in North America. The earthquake destroyed many towns and a great number of people were killed.





       Mile Halter是个十六岁少年,正在读九年级,好不容易说服父母同意他去外地念寄宿学校。行前父母在家中为他安排了与同学的道别PARTY,却只来了两个访客,而且他们和 Mile明显无话可说。看得出来,Mile前十五年的生活并不开心,也没有真正的朋友,父母终于明白了他为什么想要离开。

       Mile对于阅读名人传记颇有兴趣,他能脱口而出所有有记载的名人离世前的最后一句话——其实这大概也是他惟一的个人爱好(他不喜欢体育,不喜欢搞体育,不喜欢看体育,同时也不喜欢喜欢看体育的人)。现在,Mile收拾好了所有行李,离开自小长大的地方前往Culver Creek寄宿学校开始新生活——他正是要去寻找文学大师拉伯雷在离世前喃喃道出的那种“伟大的可能性”。

       Mile在新学校认识的第一个人就是室友Chip,他自称“上校”。在打量了又高又瘦的 Mile一番后,上校决定从此管他叫做“矮胖子”。上校是个数学天才,来自单亲家庭,父亲在他很小时就扔下一家人不知去向。他家里穷到要死,连所房子都没有,上校完全是靠奖学金才能念书。他最大的梦想就是长大后获得成功,然后买一幢大房子,再把钥匙交给他的妈妈。在Culver Creek,贫与富就是学生间派别的基础。上校极端讨厌那些富家子弟,把他们统称为 Weekday Warriors(这些人每个周末都开着名车回家)——虽然他的女友也是这群人中的一个。

       在学校的第一夜 Mile就被富家学生凯文等人在半夜拖出宿舍,全身裹上胶带后扔到校园的大湖中。事后证明这是一次针对上校个人的行动。因为有一对富家恋人在床上被学监抓了个现行后遭到开除,众人怀疑上校是告密者,随后便对其新室友Mile施以报复。不过这个意外倒是让 Mile理所当然地进了上校的朋友圈子。

       上校朋友圈中的核心人物是 Alaska Young。这个女孩时髦、言辞锋利,是学校中大部分高明的恶作剧的策划者。要是有人想买烟酒就可以去找Alaska,她手头的货从来不断。她热爱阅读,宿舍中整整一面墙上都是书。像那些过于迷恋冒险的人一样,她的周身也散发出一派自我毁灭的迷人气质。 Mile第一眼就爱上了Alaska,但后者早已有了帅气男友(在另一所学校),Mile只能徒劳无望地单恋。

       Culver Creek的学习生活非常紧张,上宗教课的老先生海德是全体学生的最爱。他告诉学生们万事万物间都有联系,听到着迷的Mile走了神,把目光投向窗外去寻找草地与河流与天空的关联,结果却被老师发现并训斥,和为他打抱不平的Alaska一起被赶出教室。

       当Alaska在复活节时无家可回(或者说她不想回家)时,她极力撺掇Mile也待在学校和她在一起。学校中没有其他人,他们喝酒抽烟(Alaska说自己抽烟是为了快点儿死掉),游荡在空空如也的校园中,溜进有钱人家孩子的宿舍策划那些真正有创意、别出心裁的恶作剧(在勇气和疯狂方面无人能及 Alaska)。有时,他们并肩躺在校园的深草中,Alaska为他诵读和诗歌。她迷恋诗人奥登,说他的诗作中世界就是破碎的,一切充满了感受力。有一天Alaska喝醉了,她哭着对Mile说:我搞砸了一切,为什么我总是搞砸一切……

       上校和他的女友终于分手了,过去的一年他们争吵不休,过得很不开心。但分手后上校仍然非常伤心,因为自己曾经爱过那个体面而精致的Weekday Warriors女孩。






       次日凌晨,Alaska在一场中当场死亡。这个突发震动了整个Culver Creek,更令Mile与上校陷入绝望的痛苦和懊悔中。他们质疑她的死究竟是自杀还是意外。

       Mile被逼着审视过去的日子、审视他自己以及他与Alaska的关系。这肯定不是一个“hily ever after”式的故事,但就是因为这场悲剧的发生,Mile最终知道了无条件地生活着与相爱的价值。

       Looking for Alaska初版于2006年,马上即赢得当年度最受欢迎青少年读物的前十名以及专门针对青少年文学作品所设立的Printz Award,作者John Green也因此成为青少年读者心目中偶像级的人物。



       必须提醒的是,这本书并不遮掩地提到了“性”,还有少年的颓废与叛逆——这不是一本为那些还在装青少年一无所知的读者准备的书。Looking for Alaska 的读者是那些全心体验过生命的、曾经真诚地寻找过、也知道何为“悲伤”与“失去”的人们(无论他们现在是否还年轻)。这部创造出数位能让人过目不忘的美好人物,令他们的迷惘青春在书中定格,永不褪色。


       Death of A Salesman Arthur Miller

       Willy Loman returns to his home in Brooklyn one night, exhausted from a failed sales trip. His wife, Linda, tries to persuade him to ask his boss, Howard Wagner, to let him work in New York so that he won’t he to trel. Willy says that he will talk to Howard the next day. Willy complains that Biff, his older son who has come back home to visit, has yet to make something of himself. Linda scolds Willy for being so critical, and Willy goes to the kitchen for a snack. As Willy talks to himself in the kitchen, Biff and his younger brother, Hy, who is also visiting, reminisce about their adolescence and discuss their father’s babbling, which often includes criticism of Biff’s failure to live up to Willy’s expectations. As Biff and Hy, dissatisfied with their lives, fantasize about buying a ranch out West, Willy becomes immersed in a daydream. He praises his sons, now younger, who are washing his car. The young Biff, a high school football star, and the young Hy ear. They interact affectionately with their father, who has just returned from a business trip. Willy confides in Biff and Hy that he is going to open his own business one day, bigger than that owned by his neighbor, Charley. Charley’s son, Bernard, enters looking for Biff, who must study for math class in order to oid failing. Willy points out to his sons that although Bernard is smart, he is not “well liked,” which will hurt him in the long run. A younger Linda enters, and the boys lee to do some chores. Willy boasts of a phenomenally successful sales trip, but Linda coaxes him into revealing that his trip was actually only meagerly successful. Willy complains that he soon won’t be able to make all of the payments on their liances and car. He complains that people don’t like him and that he’s not good at his job. As Linda consoles him, he hears the laughter of his mistress. He roaches The Woman, who is still laughing, and engages in another reminiscent daydream. Willy and The Woman flirt, and she thanks him for giving her stockings. The Woman disears, and Willy fades back into his prior daydream, in the kitchen. Linda, now mending stockings, reassures him. He scolds her mending and orders her to throw the stockings out. Bernard bursts in, again looking for Biff. Linda reminds Willy that Biff has to return a football that he stole, and she adds that Biff is too rough with the neighborhood girls. Willy hears The Woman laugh and explodes at Bernard and Linda. Both lee, and though the daydream ends, Willy continues to mutter to himself. The older Hy comes downstairs and tries to quiet Willy. Agitated, Willy shouts his regret about not going to Alaska with his brother, Ben, who eventually found a diamond mine in Africa and became rich. Charley, hing heard the commotion, enters. Hy goes off to bed, and Willy and Charley begin to play cards. Charley offers Willy a job, but Willy, insulted, refuses it. As they argue, Willy imagines that Ben enters. Willy accidentally calls Charley Ben. Ben inspects Willy’s house and tells him that he has to catch a train soon to look at properties in Alaska. As Willy talks to Ben about the prospect of going to Alaska, Charley, seeing no one there, gets confused and questions Willy. Willy yells at Charley, who lees. The younger Linda enters and Ben meets her. Willy asks Ben impatiently about his life. Ben recounts his trels and talks about their father. As Ben is about to lee, Willy daydreams further, and Charley and Bernard rush in to tell him that Biff and Hy are stealing lumber. Although Ben eventually lees, Willy continues to talk to him.

       Back in the present, the older Linda enters to find Willy outside. Biff and Hy come downstairs and discuss Willy’s condition with their mother. Linda scolds Biff for judging Willy harshly. Biff tells her that he knows Willy is a fake, but he refuses to elaborate. Linda mentions that Willy has tried to commit . Hy grows angry and rebukes Biff for his failure in the business world. Willy enters and yells at Biff. Hy intervenes and eventually proposes that he and Biff go into the sporting goods business together. Willy immediately brightens and gives Biff a host of tips about asking for a loan from one of Biff’s old employers, Bill Oliver. After more arguing and reconciliation, everyone finally goes to bed.

       Act II opens with Willy enjoying the breakfast that Linda has made for him. Willy ponders the bright-seeming future before getting angry again about his expensive liances. Linda informs Willy that Biff and Hy are taking him out to dinner that night. Excited, Willy announces that he is going to make Howard Wagner give him a New York job. The phone rings, and Linda chats with Biff, reminding him to be nice to his father at the restaurant that night. As the lights fade on Linda, they come up on Howard playing with a wire recorder in his office. Willy tries to broach the subject of working in New York, but Howard interrupts him and makes him listen to his kids and wife on the wire recorder. When Willy finally gets a word in, Howard rejects his plea. Willy launches into a lengthy recalling of how a legendary salesman named De Singleman inspired him to go into sales. Howard lees and Willy gets angry. Howard soon re-enters and tells Willy to take some time off. Howard lees and Ben enters, inviting Willy to join him in Alaska. The younger Linda enters and reminds Willy of his sons and job. The young Biff enters, and Willy praises Biff’s prospects and the fact that he is well liked.

       Ben lees and Bernard rushes in, eagerly awaiting Biff’s big football game. Willy speaks optimistically to Biff about the game. Charley enters and teases Willy about the game. As Willy chases Charley off, the lights rise on a different part of the stage. Willy continues yelling from offstage, and Jenny, Charley’s secretary, asks a grown-up Bernard to quiet him down. Willy enters and prattles on about a “very big deal” that Biff is working on. Daunted by Bernard’s success (he mentions to Willy that he is going to Washington to fight a case), Willy asks Bernard why Biff turned out to be such a failure. Bernard asks Willy what hened in Boston that made Biff decide not to go to summer school. Willy defensively tells Bernard not to blame him.

       Charley enters and sees Bernard off. When Willy asks for more money than Charley usually loans him, Charley again offers Willy a job. Willy again refuses and eventually tells Charley that he was fired. Charley scolds Willy for always needing to be liked and angrily gives him the money. Calling Charley his only friend, Willy exits on the verge of tears.

       At Frank’s Chop House, Hy helps Stanley, a waiter, prepare a table. They ogle and chat up a girl, Miss Forsythe, who enters the restaurant. Biff enters, and Hy introduces him to Miss Forsythe, continuing to flirt with her. Miss Forsythe, a call girl, lees to telephone another call girl (at Hy’s request), and Biff spills out that he waited six hours for Bill Oliver and Oliver didn’t even recognize him. Upset at his father’s unrelenting misconception that he, Biff, was a salesman for Oliver, Biff plans to relieve Willy of his illusions. Willy enters, and Biff tries gently, at first, to tell him what hened at Oliver’s office. Willy blurts out that he was fired. Stunned, Biff again tries to let Willy down easily. Hy cuts in with remarks suggesting Biff’s success, and Willy eagerly awaits the good news. Biff finally explodes at Willy for being unwilling to listen. The young Bernard runs in shouting for Linda, and Biff, Hy, and Willy start to argue. As Biff explains what hened, their conversation recedes into the background. The young Bernard tells Linda that Biff failed math. The restaurant conversation comes back into focus and Willy criticizes Biff for failing math. Willy then hears the voice of the hotel operator in Boston and shouts that he is not in his room. Biff scrambles to quiet Willy and claims that Oliver is talking to his partner about giving Biff the money. Willy’s renewed interest and probing questions irk Biff more, and he screams at Willy. Willy hears The Woman laugh and he shouts back at Biff, hitting him and staggering. Miss Forsythe enters with another call girl, Letta. Biff helps Willy to the washroom and, finding Hy flirting with the girls, argues with him about Willy. Biff storms out, and Hy follows with the girls.

       Willy and The Woman enter, dressing themselves and flirting. The door knocks and Willy hurries The Woman into the bathroom. Willy answers the door; the young Biff enters and tells Willy that he failed math. Willy tries to usher him out of the room, but Biff imitates his math teacher’s lisp, which elicits laughter from Willy and The Woman. Willy tries to cover up his indiscretion, but Biff refuses to believe his stories and storms out, dejected, calling Willy a “phony little fake.” Back in the restaurant, Stanley helps Willy up. Willy asks him where he can find a seed store. Stanley gives him directions to one, and Willy hurries off.

       The light comes up on the Loman kitchen, where Hy enters looking for Willy. He moves into the living room and sees Linda. Biff comes inside and Linda scolds the boys and slaps away the flowers in Hy’s hand. She yells at them for abandoning Willy. Hy attempts to ease her, but Biff goes in search of Willy. He finds Willy planting seeds in the garden with a flashlight. Willy is consulting Ben about a $20,000 proposition. Biff roaches him to say goodbye and tries to bring him inside. Willy moves into the house, followed by Biff, and becomes angry again about Biff’s failure. Hy tries to calm Biff, but Biff and Willy erupt in fury at each other. Biff starts to sob, which touches Willy. Everyone goes to bed except Willy, who renews his conversation with Ben, elated at how great Biff will be with $20,000 of insurance money. Linda soon calls out for Willy but gets no response. Biff and Hy listen as well. They hear Willy’s car speed away.

       In the requiem, Linda and Hy stand in shock after Willy’s poorly attended funeral. Biff states that Willy had the wrong dreams. Charley defends Willy as a victim of his profession. Ready to lee, Biff invites Hy to go back out West with him. Hy declares that he will stick it out in New York to validate Willy’s death. Linda asks Willy for forgiveness for being unable to cry. She begins to sob, repeating “We’re free. . . .” All exit, and the flute melody is heard as the curtain falls.





       前言: 北达科他州是美国中西部的一州。是大草原里最北的一州,包含达科塔地区的北半部。面积183022平方公里,在50州内列第17位。人口635867(2006)。首府俾斯麦。州名来自印第安语,意为“与友人联合居住的地方”。 19世纪时,北达科塔被认为是美国旧西部的一部份。北达科塔在成州之前是达科塔属地的一部份,以美国原住民的达科塔族而名;北达科塔在1889年加入联邦,是美国的第39州。


        ? North Dakota’s population of around 680,000 is the third smallest in the country

        ? Largest city Fargo was immortalized in the cult classic Coen Brothers’ film of the same name

        ? North Dakota grows more sunflowers than any other state

        ? Jamestown, North Dakota, is home to the ‘World’s Largest Buffalo’ – which, though it is actually an American Bison, is indeed the world’s largest

        ? A study at Cambridge University found that North Dakota was the most friendly state in the US

        ? Beer and pretzels cannot be served at the same time in a bar or restaurant (by law) in North Dakota and it is officially unlawful to dance while wearing a hat in Fargo

        ? There are more registered vehicles than there are people in North Dakota

        ? Famous North Dakotans include actress Leslie Bibb, singer Peggy Lee, author William H. Gass, and musician Jonny Lang









        You might not know too much about the state, but there are a few superlatives one could ly to North Dakota.It is one of the most northerly states in the US, bordering nearly as many Canadian provinces as it does US states; it's one of the most sparsely populated states, with only chill Alaska and Wild West states Montana and Wyoming outdoing it in this regard; it is arguably the most demonstrably religious states in the Union, with the lowest percentage of non-religious people and highest number of churches per capita; and, finally, it is the least visited state in the country.If you’re looking for real isolation, North Dakota is as good a place as any to find it!The state lies in the region of the US known as the Great Plains, a huge expanse of grassland, steppe and prairie which runs through the middle of the country. The entirety of North Dakota falls into the region, though it is not uniform, with the undulating grasslands of the west forming a contrast with the badlands of the east.It is not, perhaps, the most aesthetically varied or spectacular state out there, but this does not mean that aren’t parts of North Dakota worth seeing; the expansive Theodore Roosevelt National Park is one example. And, of course, there is a certain majesty in the vast unpopulated plains. The lack of people means the state also finds a lot of four with hunters.

        The state’s largest urban centre is Fargo. Though it is certainly not a pulsing metropolis, it offers plenty of culture (it is, after all, a university town) and an economy that is no longer only based on the agriculture and fossil fuels which traditionally powered the state’s economy, with technology and healthcare coming increasing to the fore.




        No universities from North Dakota make it into the 2011 QS World University Rankings. Most local students are served by the state’s two biggest public institutions, North Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota.The former institution is based in Fargo, and is a Land Grant university. It hosts around 15,000 students, and offers over 100 undergraduate programs.In terms of research, the university specializes in nanotechnology, agriculture and chemistry. It is notable for hing the largest state owned sheep research centre in the US.The University of North Dakota, founded in 1883, is older than the state itself. It is a Space Grant university, and specializes in health sciences, environmental issues and nutrition.UND serves nearly 15,000 students, who can choose from close to 90 undergraduate programs, and a host of graduate programs at Masters and doctoral level.The university is based in Grand Forks, North Dakota’s third city.


       17. After _______ hour, the other kids showed up.

       A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

       18. Look! There is a backpack on the teacher’s desk. Is this _____?

       A. yours B. your C. you D. yourself

       19. I need to get some _______ to read at night.

       A. noodles B. magazines C. water D. songs

       20. My sister likes music that she can dance _____.

       A. with B. on C. along D. to

       21. I _____ les to lemons. I eat them every day.

       A. like B. enjoy C. prefer D. love

       22. I hope to go there one day. It’s _____.

       A. too touristy B. too wonderful C. very beautiful D. very noisy

       23. Beijing is one of _____ in the world. Millions of visitors come to visit Beijing every year.

       A. fascinating cities B. most fascinating city

       C. the most fascinating city D. the most fascinating cities

       24. He was very _____ when he heard the _____ news.

       A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting

       C. exciting, excited D. excited, exciting

       25. He’d love _____ trekking through the jungle to see some animals in Africa.

       A. to go B. go C. going D. goes

       26. The teacher _______ Tina to come to school on time.

       A. made B. let C. asked D. had

       27. It’s raining now. We’d better _____ the picnic.

       A. put off B. not put off C. to put off D. putting off

       28. The woman ______ works hard all the time is my head teacher.

       A. who B. which C. whom D. whose

       29.Mr. Green likes to go to places _____ the weather is always cool.

       A. that B. what C. who D. where

       30. ---When ______ you ______ your old friend? ---The day before yesterday.

       A. will, visit B. are visiting C. he, visited D. did visit

       31. Bikes _______ in 1880s and they _____ trelling around.

       A. were invented, used for B. were invented, are used for

       C. was invented, was used for D. invented, are used for

       32. By the time Tina got to school, she realized she _____ her backpack at home.

       A. had left B. had forgotten C. has left D.has forgotten

       33. _____ English every day is a secret of becoming a good language learner.

       A. Use B. Uses C. Using D.Used

       34. ---Could you please tell me how to get to October First School?


       A. Don’t ask me B. Sure. You can take the subway.

       C. You’re welcome D. It’s very nice of you to say so

       Different people he 41 colors of skin Some he 42 skin, some he yellow skin and some he white skin There 43 a woman in Alaska Her skin was oranges It was almost the same color 44 orange juice.

       How did her skin 45orange?She ate lots of tomatoes,carrots and pumpkins.

        She ate too many46things,That’s why her skin turned orange .

        The woman didn’t want her skirl47orange.So she went to seethe doctor.

       The doctor said ,”Stop 48 orange things. Eat some green things。”The woman

       Did49, and her skin wasn't orange any50.

        ( )41.A.the same B.different C.same D.the different

        ( )42.A yellow B.white C.black D. orange

        ( )43.A is B.are C.were D.was

        ( )44.A as B.1ike C.in D. with

        ( ) 45. A took B.feel C.become D taste

        ( )46 A blue B.orange C.green D.red

        < )47.A.to be B.be C.being D is

        ( )48 A.to eat B eat C.eating D.eats

        ( )49.A.so B.such C it D.not

        ( )50.A.much B many C most D.more

       You are driving alone in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

       1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

       2. An old friend who once sed your life.

       3. The perfect partner you he been dreaming about.

       Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car?

       Think before you read on …

       This is a question that was once actually used when you are looking for a job.

       You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and you should se her first; Or you could take your old friend because he once sed your life and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.

       The person who was chosen (out of 200 people) had no trouble coming up with his answer. He simply answered, “I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams.”

       Sometimes, we get more if we are able to give up our thought limitations(限制). Never forget to “Think Outside of the Box.”

       51. The reading is mainly about ________.

        A. the correct answer to the three difficult questions

       B. a good reason to make no answer

       C. good answers not coming out of answering questions directly

       D. the three questions being hard to answer

       52. The above three questions could ear when someone ________.

        A. drives a car on a wild, stormy night B. works with 200 people

       C. is ready to answer D. needs to find work

       53. From the reading we can know that ________.

        A. the three question are difficult to anyone B. some people may give a reasonable answer

       C. no people can make good answers D. only a good driver can make a perfect answer

       54. The word “Box” in the reading means ________.

        A. cars B. the three people waiting for the bus

       C. different answers D. the questions themselves

       55. The writer of the reading thinks ________.

        A. good answers are always coming when we think outside of the box

       B. good drivers always make correct answers

       C. no one can give a good answer to the three questions

       D. everyone chooses the easiest question to answer


       Do you know HFMD? It’s short for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease. This year, in China, thousands of children were suffering from it. What’s HFMD? How to prevent it? Now read the passage please.

       HFMD usually affects babies who are 1~4years old, but adults can also be infected. Both EV71 and Cox A 16 can cause HFMD, which usually starts with a slight fever followed by blisters(水泡) and ulcers(溃疡) in the mouth and rashes(皮疹) on the hands and feet.

       It can be spread(传播) through people with the mucus(唾液) or feces(粪便) of an infected person. It usually ears during the summer and autumn months. HFMD isn’t Bird Flu, SARS or Mad Cow Disease, but it’s not a new one, either. It first eared in New Zealand in 1957. About forty years later, it ears in Asia. It’s reported that it breaks out every 2 or 3 years.

       HFMD is very terrible and there is no vaccine(疫苗) now, but we can do something helpful to prevent it. Children with HFMD should seek medical treatment as early as possible, experts(专家) say. They also suggest(建议) that parents keep the air fresh in a child’s room, which should be kept clean, tidy and dry. Children should be taught to wash their hands regularly. Staying away from crowded(拥挤的) public places is also basic(基本的).

       61. HFMD is usually spread with _________.

        A. feces B. feces of an infected person C. water D. mucus

       62. Which isn’t helpful to prevent HFMD?

       A. to keep the air fresh in a child’s room B. wash hands regularly

       C. see a doctor D. stay in crowded public places

       63. Can you guess the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 3?

        A. 传染的 B. 感染的 C. 正常的 D. 康复的

       64. About HFMD which one is right?

        A. It’s the same as Mad Cow Disease B. It first eared in China

       C. Adults can be infected too D. There is vaccine now

       65. Can you give a title for the article?

        A. The history of SARS. B. What’s and how to prevent HFMD.

       C. HFMD in China. D. How to prevent HFMD.

       好了,关于“looking for alaska”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“looking for alaska”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。