

1.ok to proceed如何理解






ok to proceed如何理解




       proceed是“继续,接着”的意思,proceed不能作名词,proceed to do sth。

       process一般我们指的是“ 过程” “进程”. Process可作名词,可做动词。


       1、He?proceeded?to?tell?me?of?my?birth .


       2、The?ideas?were?not?new.?Their?development?had?proceeded?steadily?since?the?war .


       3、She?climbed?the?steps?and?proceeded?along?the?upstairs?hallway .








       a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result.

       a consultation process


       to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system.


       I'm afraid getting things changed will be a slow process.


       mental processes


       Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him.


       Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination .


       We're in the process of selling our house.


       I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it) .


       see also?peace process


       a series of things that hen, especially ones that result in natural changes.

       the ageing process


       It's a normal part of the learning process .



       a method of doing or making sth, especially one that is used in industry.

       manufacturing processes




       continue 继续

       表达 原来做一件事情,现在还在做;或者有一 段中断,然后又继续做下去。



       He continued to wrok on th eook during his long illness.



       proceed 前进,继续前进




       She washed the shirts and proceeded to starch them.







       proceed to do

       proceed with



       英 [pr?'si?d] 美 [pro?'si?d]

       vi. 继续进行;开始;着手

       继续进行. 开始 着手

       名词: proceeder

       过去式: proceeded 过去分词: proceeded 现在分词: proceeding 第三人称单数: proceeds

       n. (名词)

       收入,收益 货款收入 卖得金额

       v. (动词)















       用作不及物动词 (vi.)

       We received sanction to proceed with our plans.


       Please go upstairs and proceed through the security check and immigration.


       1.VERB接下来做;接着做If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first.

       He proceeded to tell me of my birth...


       He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get contentedly drunk.


       2.VERB继续进行;继续做If you proceed with a course of action, you continue with it.

       The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed...


       The trial has been delayed until November because the defence is not ready to proceed.


       3.VERB(活动、过程或)继续,持续,连续不断If an activity, process, or event proceeds, it goes on and does not stop.

       The ideas were not new. Their development had proceeded steadily since the war...


       Efforts to reform the Interior Ministry he not yet proceeded very far.


       4.VERB(朝某个方向)前进,行进If you proceed in a particular direction, you go in that direction.

       She climbed the steps and proceeded along the upstairs hallway...


       The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.


       5.N-PLURAL(某个或活动的)收入,收益The proceeds of an event or activity are the money that has been oained from it.

       The proceeds of the arms sales were then funneled to Contra fighters in Central America...


       The proceeds from the concert will go towards famine relief.

